What is required to enroll?

There are three types of entrance examinations: general, working student, and international student. Requirements for enrollment will differ depending on which category you qualify for. For example, someone already working should probably take the working student examination. Methods for selection among applications also vary based on the entrance examination type. For details, check the enrollment requirements at the link below.

Graduate School Entrance Examination Information (Kumamoto University home page, external link)

How much are admission fees and tuition?

The admission fees and course tuition for the 2021 Academic Year were as follows:
Admission fee: 282,000 yen
Course tuition (per semester): 267,900 yen
Course tuition (per academic year): 535,800 yen
For details, requirements, scholarship options, etc., check the link below.

Fees and Scholarships

Kumamoto University also has admission and tuition exemption programs that you may be eligible for.
For example, admission fees are waived when a Master’s Course graduate continues onto a Doctoral Program.
In this case, details regarding admission fee exemption will be sent along with the notification of graduation.

Is there a scholarship program?

Successful applicants to the Japan Student Services Organization scholarship are eligible to receive Type 1 (as of 2021, either ¥50,000 or ¥88,000 per month for Master’s Programs, \80,000 or \122,000 per month for Doctoral Programs) or Type II (as of 2021, \50,000, \80,000, \100,000, \130,000, or \150,000 per month) scholarships.

Kumamoto University PhD Work-Scholarship (KWS)

Doctoral Program candidates can be employed as research assistants (RAs) or teaching assistants (TAs), thus gaining financial support for their work equivalent to half of their course tuition.

Kumamoto University Doctoral Program Scholarship Program (KDS)

Doctoral Program candidates who achieve outstanding grades and academic research results are eligible to receive this scholarship.

For other scholarship information and details, please check the Scholarship page (external link).